July 14, 2013

Fresher turns Senior!

Ok, weird little fresher hasn't been very good. I haven't updates the blog since December, it's not like things haven't been happening. Of course things have! First year was awesome. But noooow, buhahahahhaha I am a senior!

One doesn't become a senior when she passes her exams. Ok so technically one does. But if one is me, she becomes a senior with her first interaction with a potential future first year. I had volunteered to help with the admissions on one of the second cut off list days. And I'd spent hours wondering how I would talk to a fresher who has rightfully taken over that title from me. Would I be one of those cool seniors? Like the ones I saw, who by virtue of being the first history seniors I met, became the kind of LSR person I wanted to be in a year (I haven't gotten there and I don't anymore, somewhere along the line I decided it was always more fun to be me - narcissistic bitch version of me talking... They're still my favourite seniors though). Um no. I have never been describes as the cool ones, I don't think I'd be able bring in that kind of sophisticated air even if I had tried. So I would be the totally approachable, well more than approachable, crazy, kinda immaturish senior who is to be called a senior only because she'd been studying there a while? Probably. Wasn't very happy with that idea though, coz then the first years would feel and act older than me, not that I mind a lot but I do mind a bit. This shit happens all the time! With kids who are up to 7 years older than me, we act the same age and get along fine. No, that's not always a good thing.

But anyway, the day of. In retrospect, I think I was a pretty, typical image of a senior. I knew things that they didn't, I explained how the forms worked, clarified stuff. A little on the talkier side, saying random things. Explaining to them that the forms weren't final, things were flexible. "Ooh college? Yeah it's a lot of fun, just don't spend too much time studying." "See you when college starts"
I don't think I made a lasting impression on any of the potential juniors (potential because the Stephens list wasn't out yet) but the important thing is, had I met me I probably would have liked me. Yay!

Yeah not a literary piece with cool metaphors and shit. But cut me some slack I haven't written in a lon lon long time.
Hopefully, second year will hold more written down memories.

December 1, 2012


I exist now wrapped in layers of clothing. I know it's going to get colder, I'm not complaining.. I actually enjoy it. I've been bundles up in fabric for a while now. And from beneath all of that i observed style change around me.

MG said in her orientation speech "fashion is out there, style is in LSR". It's a pretty cool line and most of my exposure to people who actually care about what they were is in LSR. So for a creepy girl who loves staring at people and making them feel uncomfortable, this was just the excuse I needed.

Observations -
* People sober up. Bright yellow baggy pants with fluorescent pink or green tops disappear. The colours worn now don't seem to want to make you blind.
* Even in summer, you have girls matching their outfits with scarfs with all sorts of patterns on them. This trend continues, except these get wound tighter around the necks and are made of thicker substances.
* JEANS overload. Which leads me to the temporary college uniform.
* The college (black) sweatshirts are out. And while standing in corridor, if you make you vision blurry you will see a sea of black and blue. The newness of the jumper, the group photo sessions, the need to show off your LSR identity, and in my case it being one of the only pieces of clothing I owned that kept me decently warm paired with the jeans overload thing made this combination virtually the temporary college uniform.
* Crazy people. There are always exceptions to the norm. End of November, you still see girls showing off their long limbs and perfect skin in tiny skirts and dresses. Girls, who make me shiver from under all my layers just looking at them, Then again, if I had legs like that I ight brave the weather to show them off as much as possible. Sigh.
* And finally STRIPES. Everywhere I look I see stripes. Small stripes, thin stripes, thick stripes, boring stripes, crazy stripes, zebra stripes, rainbow stripes, just a hell lot of stripes. Do clothes making people's brains freeze up in winter or something? Ok that's mean and the stripes actually look pretty decent. But I's like to imagine that there's this supernatural lady who had OCD. And she casts a spell come every September on clother making people so that all they think of maing involves stripes in some form or the other.

That's about it for now. Keep warm people :D
It's actually pretty fun being a ball of wool. It is for me anyway.

October 7, 2012

Staple diet

People say that the college cafe is over-priced. This be true in most cases, especially when pizza slices and bright colourful sub type things are very appetizingly displayed but cost a heart sinking Rs 45 each, plus you need a drink. Soooo you can bring your own food/ go to your PG or hostel ... but that's a total buzz kill. Or You could buy the food, and crib and crib and crib and crib some more. Or you could go out, but that doesn't necessarily gel with the Save Money plan. OOR you could be smart and identify the beautiful exceptions to the rule.

Filling, delicious warm food from the cafe that you can eat in the cafe amidst the noisy crowd and scavenging, often annoying cats with your friends. (Guilt kick - I dont think the cafe is that over-priced, while I still believe the pizza price is crazy, there's a lot of stuff that you get for pretty reasonable prices)
With the stupid guilt thing out of the way, I'll tell you about one of the above mentioned "a lot of stuff that you get for pretty reasonable prices" thing which has become pretty much a staple for me, actually more to a friend - Maithili...

Chole Kulcha - 20rs - a lot of curry with 2 fat kulchas. Extra kulchas for just 5rs each. Sometimes its Paneer Kulcha!!
nimbu paani (lemonade) - 10rs
or Iced tea  - 20rs - If you're in splurging mood. But I'd prefer iced tea over the lemonade any day coz 1. its sooo much awesomer and 2. the cup is a lot bigger, it's pretty too.

For a long time I was into Maggi and Masala croissants (they dont have plain ones) and the sandwiches, but Kulcha is kulcha. No comparison.

And this advertising business, I'm new to it. Influence - Maithili, she's great btw.. Ooo and she has green streaks in her hair!! (Always wanted to do that)

October 5, 2012


Geebo ela yumfigun re hoonfadrest koni sham nuw pot! PSHT.. Geebo ma geebo! Nela?

The funniest response I got to that was "Would you stop it with the Malayalam!!" Hehehe I guess it's not all that funny if you don't speak the language. By the way, it is definitely not Malayalam, its complete gibberish!

We started talking in Geebo when we were on our department trip, which was kick-ass btw. This post is for my fellow Geebers. I have never met so many crazy people in my life! As in I know my share of weird people and I know people weirder than the Geebers. But never so many in a single group.

Story of Geebo. This might not be very accurate because 1. I was high on chocolate, 2. I was jumping up and down throughout so I couldn't see properly, 3. I was talking super super fast or in super super high frequency or just plain out screaming.
Anyway, my version of the Geebo story goes like this... My mad Mallu counter-part Lakshmi and I take immense pleasure in conversing only in Malayalam in front of our non Malayalam speaking friends and generally about them, effectively pissing them off. So on our way back, two of them started blabbing away in what we didnt know then as Geebo. Catching on quickly the 4 of us talked to each other with very loud body language and expressions. Stringing together random syllables and imagining up conversations in our heads we created Geebo!

Except Geebo is not the name of the language. (I call it geebo though) No, Geebo is much much more. Geebo is like the word putain in French - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSeaDQ6sPs0 - I just watched the video, Geebo is exactly like putain! Except geebo is a little bit more child friendly and initially meant "IDIOT!!" with Geebo ma geebo being "you're SUCH an IDIOT!!" Geebo is the person, the language, the emotion. Geebo is everything!!! (Being dramatic and crazy, as you can see, is a prerequisite for geebo)

prologue - we ran the length of the train (the compartments with other lsr peoples) speaking in geebo with random first years and selected seniors. Hehe, that was fun too :D

Bleugh x(

And this here is the college uhm logo..? I'm not even sure what is. Even if it was a logo, what is it? I thought it looked odd when I saw it on the internet while I was looking up colleges last year, I still think it's odd when I see the thing sitting very proudly in the college front lawns.

Is it a lot of people playing twister? You can't even see the individual people - the squiggles are parts of multiple stick people or they don't belong anywhere, depending on how you look at it.

I know it's supposed to be "LSR" but you cant see any of the letters clearly. Maybe that's the point. You're writing LSR, but it shouldn't actually be LSR... so what's the point again?

My biggest problem is none of that ^^ it's just so hard to draw! The image doesnt stay in your head. And it simply is not fun x(

My parents, who btw also thought it was a strange looking thing, said all was forgiven if it was the students that made it. Maybe as parents they are forced to give very diplomatic opinions like that. But I'm a student associated with the thing, and all is not forgiven, irrespective of who made it.

Don't get me wrong, I like it.. (just barely, but I do). Except, that's only because I amalgamate (hehe, thesaurus.com is fun) it with the college that I really like. That doesn;t change the fact that it continues to be very Bleugh.

ps: Lady Shri Ram College for Women? Seriously? Why do you need the for women part? For one, it rubs in the fact that we go to an all girls institution, when most of us are here for the good academics and not coz we want to be surrounded by girls. And two, which guy would go to college called LADY Shri Ram!! It's pretty darn clear without the women part. Sheesh!

September 29, 2012


On Fridays, class starts at 10:55, most students show up accordingly. Others come earlier to attend the assembly or to use the library. One particularly crazy person reaches college at 9. Me (big surprise). I don't go to the library and when my friends aren't around there really is no logical reason as to why I should go so early...
Casting aside whatever it is that caused me to arrive prematurely as just one of those things in the universe that you dont have the means to explain, let's move on to the SUBJECT.

I was not in a particularly good mood so I decided it was better for everyone if I steered clear of human interaction. I made my way to the back lawns - perfect; green, wide and sparsely populated. I sat right in the middle of the expanse (coz there was nothing to lean against not coz i am very fond of breaking my back bending over a book) and bent over a book on the human genetics with very loud music, that I don't care much for, blasting away into my skull.

A small framed female human specimen approached me. This creature was completely oblivious to the fact that she was this close to getting her head bitten off, had she chosen to interrupt my brain numbing session any sooner. Luckily for her, I was pretty pacified by the time she came up to me. Therefore the conversation went somewhat like this -
"Hey, are you free right now?"
"I guess" This said very neutrally, indifferently even.
"Ok, so would you be my subject?" She rambled on about how she was in third year doing psychology and how she REALLY needed a subject for her practical next period in the bperiod and all that. But all I really heard was that she asked me to be her subject. No one had ever asked me to be their subject. And though there was nothing especially romantic about the way she asked me, I couldn't turn down the first person who wanted me to be their subject. This little question had also brought me straight out of my bad mood and I agreed almost instantly.

There were many ways in which the morning could have gone straight back to how it had started off... in my new role, I was subjected (heheheh.. subjected, get it?) to an activity that had immense potential to piss off - I was asked to write an essay about a recent incident that had gotten me angry. Nice. So choosing to ignore the incident that was flashing in my head in technicolour (the reason for my lovely mood earlier that day), I wrote about a mildly irritating event, that I don't even remember now. Fate 0, Kalyani 1. I actually laughed that I should get a topic like that on that day. Then my essay was evaluated while I was made to mark someone else's subject's essay. doing so I knew what was going to happen next. And buahahahahaha, it did. I got my essay back with the worst possible marks. Fate can go poop! Coz apparently it was an attempt to piss us off and some subjects did get mad, and irritable as I was didnt get angry, in fact I got happier, giggle-y even. The power of the first true suject-ness (if you didn't get it, try putting love as the last word and then replacing it again with subjectness. Explanations kill jokes, I know.. but this one was still born, however I want the world to know exactly how lame my attempts at humour are). 

Floating around on the high of my first subjectness, my :D couldn't be touched. i guess I wasn't the ideal subject and the experiment didn't work out, but it was fun while it lasted.. Honestly I hope every girl gets a chance to be a subject and have an equally wonderful time :')